Calling all volunteers!
At Moss Vale Public School we greatly value the support of volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in our classrooms to help our students grow, learn, build self esteem and improve their overall wellbeing.
Research shows that children benefit when volunteers are actively involved in their education and school life.
You can help by:
- listening to children read in the classroom
- volunteering on sports days
- helping supervise excursions
- getting involved in fundraising activities
- joining school committees.
If you are able to help in any way, even for a small amount of time we would be most appreciative.
Volunteering process
1. Contact Moss Vale public school either via email call 48681866 or via the class teacher for information on how to complete a digital declaration. Alternatively, you can complete the information in this link to have the digital declaration emailed to you.
2. The digital declaration is an online form which is sent via an email from NSW Probity Unit. The information will assist in your screening. You will be required to provide photo ID.
3. At check in at the school, show your photo ID on arrival.If you would like more information click here for more information on accessing NSW department schools as a non-employee.