Specialist Support Classes at Moss Vale
Moss Vale Public School hosts 7 smaller classes for children with disabilities from Preschool to Year 6.
We host classes for children with
mild intellectual disability (IM class)
moderate/severe intellectual disability (IO/IS class)
multi-categorical (MC class) which include autism spectrum disorder and mental health
And we have Acorn Cottage (Early Intervention Support Class or EIU) which is for pre-schoolers with a range of disabilities. More information on this class is available here
These classes are for children from our local area, not just Moss Vale and entry into a class is by application. The access request is made early in the year before your child starts at Moss Vale Public school and a vacancy may not immediately be available.
If you are concerned about your child’s development and would like to discuss if a smaller class might be suitable for your child, please call the school to discuss your child’s needs and bring any paediatrician reports with you to see what we can offer.

Specialist support classes in regular schools
Specialist support classes located in some regular primary schools, high school and central schools across NSW are available for students with moderate to high learning and support needs – as defined by the department's disability criteria.
Specialist support classes cater for students with moderate to high learning and support needs including students with:
- intellectual disability
- mental health disorder
- autism spectrum disorder
- physical disability
- sensory impairment
- behaviour disorders.
Specialist support classes in regular schools have fewer students than regular classes. Class sizes depend on the class type and, in some cases, the students' additional learning and support needs.
Every specialist class has a teacher and a school learning support officer. Class teachers – in consultation with parents and carers and allied health professionals, where appropriate – are responsible for planning personalised learning and support for each student.
Students in specialist support classes have the opportunity to participate in the school and community activities their school offers, on the same basis as students in regular classes. Students also have access to:
- itinerant support teacher (hearing or vision)
- support teachers transition
- specialist provisions available to students in regular classes including disability provisions from the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for practical support in examinations
- access to transport assistance under the Assisted School Travel Program.
For students enrolled in specialist classes in regular schools, there is the flexibility for them to undertake some of their learning in other regular classes in the same school. This is largely dependent upon the resources available and the personalised learning and support needs of the students.

Placements and review
Applications for placement are through the Access Request process. An Access Request is usually arranged by the school learning and support team at the local public school, but can also be organised through the local Educational Services team if a child is not yet enrolled. Teams can be contacted on 131 536 and calls can be made from anywhere in NSW.
A student is offered enrolment in a specialist support class in regular school through a placement panel process. A student's eligibility is determined through the department's disability criteria as well as the availability of a place in an appropriate specialist support class.
Enrolment arrangements for students with disability and additional learning and support needs are the same as for all students. To get information about enrolment, parents and carers can visit the local public school. More information is available at school enrolment.
School learning and support teams review the placement of each student annually. Reviews consider all aspects of a student's personalised learning and support, including whether or not the current placement is best meeting their learning and support needs.